Assamese Borgeet “बोरगीत” Song

What is Assamese Borgeet “बोरगीत” Song?

Assamese Borgeet Song Sang by a Lady

Assamese Borgeet “बोरगीत” Song

Borgeet is a traditional form of devotional song that originated in Assam. It holds immense cultural and religious significance among the Assamese people, particularly those belonging to the Vaishnavite community.

The revered Assamese saint and social reformer, Srimanta Sankardeva, founded the religious sect Ekasarana Dharma during the 15th century. Borgeet is closely associated with Ekasarana Naam Dharma.

Sankardeva played a crucial role in spreading the teachings of Lord Krishna and Vaishnavism in Assam, utilizing forms of expression such as Borgeet to propagate his teachings.

The word “Borgeet” is formed by combining two Assamese words: “bor,” which means great or noble, and “geet,” which means song.

Composers create Borgeets in Brajabuli, a language influenced by Assamese, Maithili, and Sanskrit.

Composers create these songs in praise of Lord Krishna, and they are renowned for their spiritual depth, poetic beauty, and melodious tunes.

“बोरगीत” शब्द दो असमिया शब्दों से लिया गया है: “बोर” का अर्थ महान या महान है, और “गीत” का अर्थ है गीत। बोर्गीतों की रचना ब्रजबुली में की गई है, जो असमिया, मैथिली और संस्कृत से प्रभावित भाषा है। ये गीत भगवान कृष्ण की प्रशंसा में लिखे गए हैं और अपनी आध्यात्मिक गहराई, काव्य सौंदर्य और मधुर धुनों के लिए जाने जाते हैं।

Meaning of the Borgeet

The term “Borgeet” is derived from the Assamese words “bor” meaning “great” or “noble,” and “geet” meaning “song.” Borgeets feature devotional lyrics that glorify and praise Lord Krishna while expressing profound spiritual sentiments. Musicians typically write these songs in the Assamese language and perform them in a classical style. While accompanying them with traditional musical instruments like the khol (a drum) and taal (cymbals).

Composers create Borgeets in various ragas (melodic modes) and talas (rhythmic patterns), and they often incorporate intricate musical structures.

A group of singers, known as a “Borgeet Gohor,” typically performs them by singing in unison or engaging in call-and-response patterns. In Assam, people perform Borgeets as acts of devotion. They are an integral part of religious ceremonies, festivals, and cultural events.

Listen Online Borgeet

Assamese Borgeet

Throughout the centuries, Borgeets have evolved and diversified, with different composers adding their own unique contributions to the tradition. Despite these variations, Borgeets continue to serve as a powerful medium for spiritual expression. It is a means to connect with the divine for the people of Assam.

Borgeet has played a significant role in the preservation of Assamese culture and spirituality. The compositions of Srimanta Sankardeva and his disciple Madhavdeva form the core repertoire of Borgeets. Over the centuries, many composers and poets have contributed to this rich tradition, expanding the collection of Borgeets.

Today, in Assam, people continue to practice and perform Borgeet in both religious ceremonies and cultural events. It holds a special place in Assamese music and serves as a symbol of the region’s spiritual and artistic heritage.

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